. . . . only 20 miles?!?
Yep, that’s right. Forty-year old Millstone Nuclear Power Plant is only 20 miles across the Sound from Montauk.
One of Millstone’s active reactors was built around the same time as Fukushima Daiichi in Japan, the reactor that was damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, triggering Japan’s worst nuclear crisis. The United States government urged all Americans to stay at least 50 miles away from the Fukushima plant.
And Montauk’s only 20 miles from Millstone . . .
Hello CCOM and community,
Wondering what all CCOM is doing about preserving the Hilda Lindley House in Big Reed, Aka Teddy Roosevelt County Park off East Lake Drive? I am told the house was specifically renamed for your CCOM’s founder, Hilda Lindley, and her family would like to move back into their house in Big Reed and be the caretakers, guides, Montauk history tellers, and lost hiker assistants. Isn’t this the least the Town and County could do for the Lindleys, after giving them that shabby 35 year lease via eminent domain b. s.? It should have been 100 years snd tbd County knows it! I mean come on, what is Jay S. doing for them? Just renaming the house? What is Montauk Historical Society doing? Is this historic Blockhouse going to go to the rats? I don’t hear any answers, CCOM and MHS! What about it?
Thanks for your interest in CCOM and the Lindley House and legacy.
CCOM has a fiduciary responsibility to its donors and members to spend resources on its mission: to preserve and protect the environment of Montauk Hilda Lindley signed a contract legally deeding the land to the County. We cannot use donor funds to pursue litigation in a non-environmental contractual matter. That being said, we have communicated — and continue to communicate — with the County because we believe that the Lindleys have the experience, commitment and expertise to properly steward this historic public property.