On Wednesday, July 17th, Gurney's Montauk hosted CCOM's Summer Soirée! Over 200 guests attended, and a good time was had by all! Gurney’s graciously donated this entire event, so all proceeds will go directly to CCOM’s environmental programming. Thank you all for coming and we hope you re-connected with old friends and enjoyed the beautiful view from Gurney's Spa Terrace! Thank you to everyone who attended. It’s your support that makes our work possible. Photo Credit: Renn Lieberman

Summer Soirée Event | Gurney’s Montauk | July 2022
2024-07-22T16:37:18-04:00On Wednesday, July 13th, Gurney's Montauk hosted CCOM's Summer Soirée! Nearly 200 guests attended, and a good time was had by all! Gurney’s graciously donated this entire event, so all proceeds will go directly to CCOM’s environmental programming. Thank you all for coming and we hope you re-connected with old friends and enjoyed the beautiful view from Gurney's Spa Terrace! And what a treat is was for those who stayed a little later to watch that evening's super moon rise from the ocean. Montauk's beauty is truly unparalleled.
Ft. Pond Floating Wetlands Install | 2022
2022-05-25T15:26:18-04:00On May 21, 2022, CCOM was joined by nearly 50 volunteers to install ~3,000 sq. ft. of seasonal & reusable floating wetlands in Fort Pond, Montauk. 7,200 native plants were transplanted into custom Beemats Floating Wetlands. As these plants mature, their roots will uptake excess nitrogen and phosphorus from the pond as food. The goal is to reduce the nutrient load in the pond to lessen the extent and severity of the harmful algal blooms (HABs) which have plagued Fort Pond for years. This is year two of this remediation project, and it was made possible by a grant from the Town of East Hampton Community Preservation Fund Water Quality Improvement Program. (Photos: Rich Silver, Laura Tooman, Jaime LeDuc) To learn more about this project, please visit our Water Quality web page.
Lindley-Morrison Signature Walks Series | 2022
2022-05-11T12:27:45-04:00CCOM and Third House Nature Center are excited to announce the Lindley-Morrison Signature Walks, a series of four annual walks honoring the founders of our two organizations and their significant and long-standing contributions to Montauk. Thank you to everyone who took part in this fantastic, historical walk on a crisp and sunny February morning. Walk #1: Historic Lindley House Walk | Montauk County Park The walk started at Big Reed Path (off East Lake Dr.) and continued through a densely wooded section of the park to its central grasslands and then on to historic Lindley House. On the return, hikers took in the vista from Squaw Hill, which sits above Oyster Pond and Block Island Sound. Photo Credits: Richard Silver
Floating Wetlands Removal | October 2021
2021-10-25T13:40:25-04:00On Saturday, October 23rd, CCOM and volunteers worked together to remove our Fort Pond floating wetlands, a pilot water quality improvement project designed to remove excess nutrients which have been fueling seasonal harmful algal blooms in the Pond. The islands themselves will be stored for future re-use, and the harvested plants have made their way to the Montauk Community Garden for composting. A few samples will be sent to Hofstra University for analysis to quantify nutrient removal capacity. This project literally 'took a village'; we could not have done it without the help and generosity of our incredible community. A heartfelt thanks goes out to East Hampton Town, East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery, East Hampton Ocean Rescue, Mickey’s Carting, Gurney’s Resorts, the Montauk Community Garden, 7-11 Montauk, Montauk Surfcasters Association and the nearly 45 community volunteers who donated their Saturday to helping us. Together, we can help restore Montauk's waters! THANK YOU! (Photos: Richard Silver | RichardSilverPhotography.com)