CCOM Benefactors
SustainerS and donors
Protecting and preserving our unique, beloved hamlet is a collective mission that has been led by the Concerned Citizens of Montauk (CCOM) since 1970. Our unwavering dedication depends on the financial support of all of you, our friends and neighbors, who love and cherish the End. Most of our funding comes from private citizens, like you. We know that giving is never a simple decision, so we never take our devoted donors and sustainers for granted.
You can directly help us continue to protect and shape the future of our environment. What we do directly impacts your future, memories, investments and quality of life in Montauk. Please help the CCOM meet its 2023, and future, goals by meeting with us privately to tell us how you would like to be involved.
If you are not yet giving your time, or helping to fund our critical work, please consider doing so now by making a 3-year pledge as a Sustainer or making a one-time donation.
Concerned Citizens of Montauk and its Board of Directors would like to thank the following individuals for their generous support in making a 3-year pledge as a Sustainer or a donation to help CCOM’s ongoing work to protect and preserve Montauk’s environment.
SustainerS (3-YEAR PLEDGE)
$75,000 and up
Lili & Wilson Ervin
The Karen Legotte Foundation*
*Sustainers who have also made additional donations.
$60,000 – $74,999
$40,000 – $59,999
Roseann & Ed Braun
$20,000 – $39,999
Cheryl Christman & Thomas Rice*
Christopher Durnan
Dana Tang & Andrew Darrell*
Jane & Joe Goldblum
Maureen & Dan Cahill*
Robert C. Korn Family Foundation
*Sustainers who have also made additional donations.
$10,000 – $19,999
Jasanna & John Britton
Mark Gibson
Monika & Bill Akin
$5,000 – $9,999
Suse Lowenstein
Barbara & Evan Chesler
Carol & Thomas Creel
Cynthia Nixon & Christine Marinoni
Dana & Andy Stern
Daphne & Bob Stern
David Freudenthal & Ken Jockers
Deb & Jonathan Rosen
Heather & John D’Agostino
J. Eric Nelson & Julia Jentzsch
Jacqueline & Gary Cameron
Justine & Robert Revera
Kim & Matt Troy
Mary Jo Picillo & Edwin Adlerman
MJR Foundation
Silver Family Foundation
Thanh Tran & Ross Barna*
Valerie Berlin & Amy Rutkin
Howard Gaber
*Sustainers who have also made additional donations.
$1,000 – $4,999
Jessica James
Martha Krisel
Widder Foundation, Inc.
Ann Philomena LeClaire
Anne & Charles Roos
Annie Chanler & Andy Scheman
Betsy & Edward Schiff
Carol Sedwick & Michael Patrick
Celine Keating & Mark Levy
Connie & Lou Cortese
Eileen & Kevin McCann
Eileen Chin-Hinton & David Hinton
Emily Nixon
Enrico Granata
Evan Harrel & Laura Berland
Fabio Rosati
Jane Weiser & Daniel Kleinman
John Edwards
Jorn Weisbrodt & Rufus Wainwright
Judy & Roland Caputo
Lauren Healy & Rick Thiounn
Leah Peskin & Allen Brown
Lisa & Michael Brennan
Marianna and Jonathan Yellen*
Mark Cox*
Mark Schniebolk
MGT HDL Holdings (Diamond Foundation)
Nancy & Steve Baxley
Nancy Elder
Neelu Shruti & Tom O’ Keefe
Norma Giorgetti*
Patty Jen & Christopher Arndt
Rachel & Jonathan Brill
Susan & Ray Cortell
Therese & George Watson
Victoria Masi-Pryor & Greg Pryor
*Sustainers who have also made additional donations.
$25,000 and up
Trish & George Filopoulos*
*Additional donation from a Sustainer.
$10,000 – $24,999
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
The Karen Legotte Foundation*
JC Hospitality, LLC
John C. Waddell
*Additional donation from a Sustainer.
$5,000 – $9,999
Lykourgos Tsirakis
Amy Pollack & Richard Newman
Cheryl Christman & Thomas Rice*
The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation
The Tang Fund c/o Tancura LLC*
*Additional donation from a Sustainer.
$1,000 – $4,999
Cindy & Zac Allentuck
Carla Becker
Pamela & Richard Rubinstein Foundation
Paul Zarcadoolas
Saul & Marion Kleinkramer Foundation c/o Bessemer Trust
Michael Coppola
Hess Family Fund
Thomas A. Buehler
Paul F Jacobson
Edward F. Gentner
Elaine Peterson
Gerald J. Foley, Jr.
James Sullivan
Jann Wenner
Liverpool Carting Co., Inc.
Marianna and Jonathan Yellen*
Schoenheimer Foundation
Steven D. Lefler
*Additional donation from a Sustainer.
$300 – $999
Chris Comerford
Scott Forman
David K. Pitches
Krisha Mahoney
Leslie M. Clarke
Mark Cox*
Paul Beddoe-Stephens
Scott & Carrie Cullen
AJH Foundation | Alice & Jaclyn Houseknecht
Ben Pomeroy
Blanche Hench
Carol Pittelman
Charles Fisher
Douglas F. Maxwell
Hamptons Septic Services, Inc.
Mickey’s Carting Corp.
Montauk Teachers Association
Myles Megdal
Norma Giorgetti*
Richard Iacono
Thanh Tran & Ross Barna*
Thomas DeLitto
Christina Dimase
Lauren Guley
Bernadette Ruggiero
James Kearns
Nancy Zdyb
Rita Bonicelli
Susan Axelbank
Pauline Rosen
The Abbe Berman Foundation
*Additional donation from a Sustainer.
UP TO $299
We greatly appreciate your generosity in contributing to our successes.